Founded by Michael and Henrietta Lindsell, The Lindsell Foundation carefully select projects and initiatives that align with the core aims of the foundation. Projects are identified and extensively researched by individual trustees, presented to the board where they are discussed, and final projects are selected dependent on funds available. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals and applications for funding.
Michael Lindsell
Henrietta Lindsell
Henrietta and her husband live in Norfolk where the educational challenges faced by children in the underprivileged areas across the county drew their attention and became the focus for The Lindsell Foundation. In 2019 Henrietta co-founded vocL a platform which aims to empower the voice of future business leaders through bespoke mentoring programmes. Henrietta is currently the Co-Chair of Governors of Beeston Hall School where she has been a board member for over 6 years.
James Anderson
Albert Lindsell
Kathryn Buscall
Kathryn was for 16 years a Chair on the King’s Lynn Magistrates’ Court. She is now on the Board of Trustees of Inspiration Trust, a multi-academy trust dedicated to increasing the life chances of pupils in Norfolk, having previously been Chair of Governors of its Cromer Academy. Kathryn graduated from Cambridge University in 1987 with a degree in English and has a Masters from Central School of Speech and Drama. She is a Deputy Lieutenant for Norfolk.